Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Watch the Sugar in foods, more than the Fat content.

We already know that obesity in increasing at an alarming rate. For example, from 1971 to 2000 obesity in females went up from 16% to 34%.  That's a 112% increase in less than 30 years!

The interesting thing is that during that same time, FAT consumption among females went DOWN from 35% in 1971 to 32% in the year 2000 (fat as a percentage of all calories consumed).

SUGAR consumption, on the other hand, went UP from up from 45% of all calories consumed by females in 1971, to 51% in the year 2000.  In other words, just about everything today that we are eating has more sugar in it!

Take a container of Dannon Yogurt with Fruit at the Bottom. Yes, it's made with LOW FAT milk. But just how much sugar is in ONE small container?  Somewhere between 26-28 grams of both Sucrose (table sugar) and Fructose (sugar from fruit).


So, you may want reach for the "All Natural Vanilla" flavor, instead?  That's 25 grams of sugar per container.  Keep in mind that 1 gram of sugar = 4 calories. So, in this "All Natural" yogurt, 100 out of the 150 calories are from SUGAR!

How about KROGER Blended Low Fat Yogurt?  The Peach flavor one that I have in front of me, has a whopping 33 GRAMS of SUGAR in one container!  So, 132 calories out of the 190 total calories are from SUGAR.

INSTEAD, look for yogurt and other foods that have NO MORE THAN 10-12 grams of sugar per serving. 

Salad dressings are another example. Take Briannas Home Style Blush Wine Vinaigrette. The number one ingredient in this salad dressing?  SUGAR. In fact, it has more sugar than water, vinegar, or oil.  The sugar content?  14 grams of SUGAR in two tablespoons.  That's almost 60 calories that you are adding to that salad from just the sugar in the dressing!

I just looked at two other salad dressings in my refrigerator: Chunky Blue Cheese and Creamy Ranch Dressing. Each of these has just ONE GRAM of SUGAR in the same two tablespoons!  So, why does Briannas feel the need to put 14 grams of sugar in their Vinaigrette?  Your guess is as good as mine.

All I'm saying is READ the label and watch the amount of SUGAR you are feeding your family.  This is definitely TOO MUCH sugar:

Yes, Freshetarians actually read nutritional labels. They understand that even though FAT has 9 calories per gram, 51.6% of all calories we consume today are CARBOHYDRATES with very little dietary fiber.  These carbs turn to SUGAR in your system and give you quick bursts of energy, followed by a FALL or a CRASH. And now your body is tired and wants more sugar to keep going.
This is the cycle that leads to obesity and insulin resistance, which in turn leads to diabetes.

The bottom line is this: try to stay away from refined and processed foods, which are high in fat and even higher in sugar. Instead, eat FRESH vegetables and fruits, raw nuts and seeds, and lean meats in small quantities. 

This is a salad that I eat almost daily: Baby spinach mixed with red leaf lettuce, tomatoes, raisins, raw nuts, raw sunflower seeds, queso fresco (fresh cheese), olive oil, rice or apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of salt.

Become a FRESHETARIAN. Feel Better. Live Longer.

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